Nov 18 Meetup Notes
November 18 2014

We got a bit of a late start, but we covered a lot of ground quickly.

We’ve got some events coming up, starting in early 2015, that we need to get planning on. First one is the one-year anniversary event in February 2015, and then the National Day of Civic Hacking will happen sometime in late spring. In between, we hear rumblings about a regional event for the many brigades in New England.

Shawn Andrews, formerly the RI legislature's social media resource, talking to people about working with that organization

Also, we need to get ready to take over responsibility for maintaining the projects that the CfA Fellows created for the RI Department of Education.

And, check it out…it’s a website! We’re using the Jekyll platform…here, check it out in our repo sent out the DNS change in the meeting. Lots of thanks to Alex Taylor and Joe Alba for help getting it looking so spiffy.

Next, we broke into our workgroups and moved things ahead.

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