
Andrew Borstein

He's a person. Yep.
Andrew Borstein Andrew Borstein Andrew Borstein
If at first you don't succeed, git push -f.

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About Currently Seeking

I've always sought out opportunities and challanges that are meaningful to me. Although my professional path has taken many twists and turns -- from touring and recording artist, to employee of the year at a non-profit, to Dean's scholar at UPenn, to small business owner and entrepreneur -- I've never stopped engaging my passion to help others and solve problems.

I'm currently enrolled in the web dev track at Startup Institute, a selective eight week immersive program that helps individuals to develop the skills, mindset, and skills to be high-impact at a high-growth startup. Before this, I had been producing dozens of satisfied clients running my own web design and development company called Brownborg Studios. I also make an award winning Belgian Pale Ale.

As a web developer, I hope to use my obsessive attention to detail, my unequivocal love for making things, and my mission-driven work ethic to literally change the world. That's why I'm excited make an impact at a high growth startup. I want to make things that make a difference.